Thursday, October 2, 2008

Modern Designer Furniture and The White Person

This week I heard about a book that was given to one of my friends called something like "What White People Like."  I'll have to check into that again.  Anyway, that in itself was a little amusing because this friend isn't white, but his friends say he's the whitest person they know...  
Yesterday the book was waiting for me, and I flipped through it this morning.  *Realization-I'm probably pretty white!*  
One of the qualifiers was the obsession with Modern furniture designed by classic architects.  The chairs are not to be referred to as "chairs," but by their proper name, which usually in some way works the architects name into it...  For the untrained, if you walk into this person's house, you can identify the piece by its uncomfortable appearance.  If you do not recognize it then you can ask who designed it.  You can then in turn spout off about your anticipation of acquiring (insert any well-known architect's name here) splendid and sculptural chair.  If they're familiar with it, your estimation goes up in their eyes and they'll nod appreciatively.  And if they don't know it, they'll still nod-and go home to look up said architect and their furniture designs!  
Coming from a background in architecture I find this to be so true!  I can vividly remember when fellow architects I knew would acquire a special piece.  We stood around it reverently, admiring the lines, the quality, the sophistication and beauty...  The chair can be an idol for architects-I'll just leave it at that.  I'm pretty sure there was something pretty close to worship going on with those chairs!
Above are a few of my personal favorites.  The white "La Chaise", designed by Eames, is my hands down favorite, although I love the "Le Corbusier Chaise Lounge" and the Wassily chair is a close third!  These can be yours for about $1850-$8500 depending on which one you want. 
Maybe it'll be a little while longer before I get my own "La Chaise"...

1 comment:

danielle said...

haha, that book/blog is awesome! i don't agree with everything but they are dead on with certain things! of course if one of us white people wrote a book on "stuff black people like" we'd be called racist.