Monday, October 6, 2008

Personal Preferences

Today as I was studying (and thank goodness the room isn't crowded with chattering undergrads, I find the chattering to be counterproductive for my study habits!) I happened upon a realization:  I'm set in my ways.  
I had to sit at a table I wouldn't normally sit at because my 3 top choices were taken.  Later as my favorite spot opened up I rushed right over and claimed it!  Plugged in my laptop, spread out my things, set my bag in the second chair-that spot was MINE!  Interestingly enough I find I've been able to study better because of it :)
But then this thought was really driven home when I went to the restroom.  I walked down the hall and discovered the whole entire restroom was empty!  So I got to choose whatever stall struck my fancy.  I walked down the row and found my favorite stall-and that's when I stopped.
 I have a favorite bathroom stall?  Oh yes, I do!  It changes from restroom to restroom, usually depends on lighting (who wants to get into a small, DARK stall?  That's uncomfortable.  Scary.  Weird.).  The more I thought about (because what else would I do when washing my hands?) the more I realized I do this all the time.  I sit in the same chair in 3 of my 5 classes, but in the same area of the remaining 2 classes.  If you want to find me at Resonate, you'll be able to track me down on the right hand side a couple rows from the front.  If I get in my car, I'd better be in the driver's seat.  When I park at church, school, or Target, or Starbucks I'll be drawn to the same area usually.  I have a little more flexibility at Barnes & Noble, but there are some places I want to sit, and others I definitely don't want to inhabit...
What about you guys?  Any creatures of habit out there besides me?


danielle said...

in one of my psychology classes we learned that the reason we're "creatures of habit" (especially about where we sit in class) is the same basic reason that sport fanatics are so superstitious: if you have a good experience in one spot, you'll choose it again (or for the sports person, if your team wins while you're wearing that hat, you'd better wear it again!). so during that class i chose to not be a creature of habit and sit randomly. it didn't work very well, i didn't like it one bit :)

-Tiffany said...

hey why can't I vote on your poll? it doesn't like my answer I guess...