This rather unattractive picture of me is a pretty accurate glimpse of me these days.
Why, you ask? Because I have joined the ranks of those women with a teenaged daughter. And I have no spouse to help me with my sanity. (Longish story. I'm a foster mom, the house mom for the place I work. Very good stuff, even if does mean constant sleep deprivation!) Yes, a spouse...
Someone to lean on, someone to help parent, someone to take over when my last nerve is frayed into twenty split ends and my teenager is yelling "Timmery. Timmery! TIMMERY."... I gotta say, that sounds pretty magical right now. *grin* I guess God really knew what He was talking about when He created the family unit to have a mom AND a dad!
These days find me scheduling dentist appointments and eye exams. Shuttling my girl Soccer-Mama-Style to community service projects and martial arts classes. In between all the doing and stuff, there are these amazing sparkles of joy that take my breath away some days.
Like when Chickadee asks me if she can read to me at the end of the night, when I'm irritated that the air conditioner is out and I'm fielding phone calls between two owners about the workman coming. And there's sweet Chickadee, wanting to read to me from the Bible reading plan her High School church group is doing.
In the morning when we're doing our daily reading from Jesus Calling, I'm not sure if anything is soaking in. We get off topic regularly during those discussions. I try to not make it a big deal so it doesn't become a serious time Chickadee starts to dread... This morning out of the blue she redirected the conversation back to our reading all by herself, and had some really good insights. My heart was touched, that's for sure.
It's an adventure that doesn't seem to have much downtime. An adventure I don't always enjoy. But its an adventure with eternal implications.
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