Friday, March 15, 2013

In Recent Days

Hello everyone!
I've recently started a crazy, whirlwind adventure, of which some of you know bits and pieces. So please consider this an update of sorts, as well as a prayer request.
About six weeks ago I had a phone interview with Susan Munsey, the executive director of GenerateHope.  She was looking for someone to come on staff to work with their brand new phase:  minors.  And as this is something that grabs my heart, we had excellent discussions and interviews, and I've now been on staff for about three weeks.  It feels good to be back in sunny SoCal!
GenerateHope is a non-profit that works with young women who have been sexually trafficked and exploited.  In some cases we have girls who have experienced the "slave" aspect TV may depict.  But for the most part, trafficking in the US looks a little different, involving young women who look like any other woman you see out and about.  She looks like your neighbor, the lady in the produce aisle at the grocery store, your daughter's friend.  These young women come in all ages, weights, colors, personalities, and from every type of family.  I tell you this, because in the US, sex trafficking usually takes the role of prostitution.  What happens when you hear the word "prostitute"?  My guess is that there is a stereotype that comes to mind, and maybe even a string of phrases come to mind as well:
"Why doesn't she get out of that and find herself a real job?"
"Put some decent clothes on."
"I'd rather die than sell myself."
"She could leave that 'profession' if she really wanted to."
"She's despicable."
Let me offer you a different perspective to the stereotype that is "out there" running through our society.  No little girls says she wants to grow up and work in the sex industry.  No young woman starts out thinking that selling her body is her dream.  Dig a little deeper into these womens' stories and you'll find that they sell their bodies--not because they want to--but because they've run out of money and resources.  Or maybe they were sexually abused as a child, or raped when they were young, and the message imprinted on them was 'this is all you'll ever be good for.'  Most of our ladies learned very, very early that they didn't have any rights to their body.  Couple that with physical and emotional abuse with a controlling, dominant person in their life, and you start to see how these girls have a major identity//value//worth struggle on their hands.  All it then takes is a predator that recognizes that desperation and that uncertainty of self-value in a woman, and that predator will use varied means to commercially exploit these women in the sexual arena.
Sobering stuff, huh?
Before you duck out because this is "just a little too much reality to handle right now,"  let me give you some encouragement.  (Whew, we were in need of some, huh?!)  When we expose the sin in the dark, we allow the light of Jesus to shine upon it and He can bring healing truth and restoration.  So let's shine some Jesus-light!

The first GenerateHope house is for young ladies ages 18-35, and has been open for 3ish years now.  They have a main house, a transitional apartment, and an education building on site.  The newest phase is the one I'm a part of, and that is a house for minor ages 12-17.  The average age of entry into prostitution is 12-14 (that's junior high, people.  Girls fresh out of elementary school).  We're hoping to reach these girls early and get them the help and healing they need.  Since I actually live in the house with these girls, I have to become a foster parent--whoa Bessie!  I've never envisioned myself foster parenting, but God nudged me right into this with surprising ease, so I trust He knows my skills and limitations and will use me anyway.
Last week I met with our foster organization for the first time, and they've been delightful.  I have so much relief knowing that they are Christian, and when they told me they'd be praying for me, I was so blessed.  It won't be a walk in the park, and they've told me a few horror stories.  I hope those won't be true for us here, but I'd rather be prepared than blind-sided.  *Gulp!*

"My" house is gorgeous, and sits on 15 acres of orange groves (organic oranges for Sunkist--fun, huh?!).  I'm hoping the beauty of the house and land helps the girls in their healing journey.  They've been so abused and broken, and it will be wonderful to lavish some goodness on them.  We don't yet have girls in the house yet (we have room for 4 girls), because we are waiting for the county to sign off on the house.  We've been waiting on that signature for about 8+ weeks now, which is a little longer than it normally takes.

On that are a few specific ways you can pray for me, and for GenerateHope:
1.  We need the county's signature on the house!  That is all that is standing in the way of accepting girls right now.
2.  I have a slew of paperwork and documents to fill out and retrieve.  DMV, bank, insurance, medical, identifications/certificates--you name it.  I need patience, and in some cases money.  I fortunately will be reimbursed for most of this, but right now my bank is in Missouri, and I am in California, which causes some inconvenience right now.
3.  Our women are sweeties, but still come with baggage they're working on.  Some are stand-offish, others are defensive, some are angry, some shut down.  Please pray that I will love them well, and healthily, with good boundaries ,and lavish grace and truth.
4.  GenerateHope is faith-based, so I can live out my faith in God publicly in front of our young women, but they are not required to participate.  I'm asking if you'll be willing to lift these ladies up to God.  Pray for their healing, which ultimately only comes from Jesus.  Pray for theyr hearts to soften towards God, and to understand God's love for them is complete.  Some girls have backgrounds in church and faith, and sometimes that is a good thing, and sometimes its a negative thing.  Pray that God will reveal His Truth to them in a way they will grasp, and that they begin to hunger for Him.

Thanks for reading my mini-novel today!  Leave me a comment below if you have any questions or encouragement!
Much love,

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