Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kerith and Zarephath and Elijah

Our new sermon series on Sunday mornings is teaching us about Elijah. This man that God uses is amazing to study and to learn from. One of the main points a couple weeks ago is that "Being a spokesperson for God is one thing; being a Godly spokesperson requires special preparation." Part of that preparation for Elijah involved trials and difficulties. In the Kerith Ravine Elijah is completely isolated and dependent on ravens (unclean animals) to bring him food. Next God has him live-not briefly camp out-at Zarephath, the idolatrous land that Jezebel came from. Things got tough for Elijah during those 3 years of drought... Things were uncertain. Things didn't happen logically. Some things were downright strange and pretty undesireable. What is God doing here? Well, not that I'm an expert on knowing the mind of God, but through these experiences Elijah became refined. Elijah became a man of God through these tough times. He learned that God IS in control. God IS trustworthy. God's plans ARE wise. Elijah experienced firsthand the reliability of God's promises. And so do we. The principle for this past week's sermon was "A strong faith requires regular testing and purifying. (without faithit is impossible to please God...Heb.)." Wow! I can say I want a strong faith. But the testing and purifying-that hurts. I'm a little less sure about the painful and difficult seasons. I look over this past month to two months, things aren't rosy and wonderful. People let me down in some significant ways. School material isn't as easy to grasp, not to mention the work load isn't light. My housing situation is temporary at best, with the likelihood of two more moves this year. I'm unsettled (literally), I have stress from all these things ganging up on me at once. No, this is not the season of the light yoke and easy burden. That is why this past sermon struck such a chord in me this week. Difficulty and distress is one thing, but it becomes so much more when you realize God can use those circumstances to refine you. Hooray! These hurts aren't going to waste! The point? "The edge of uncertainty is where God grows our faith and prepares us for effective ministry." The big picture is so much more beautiful and amazing than my tight, narrow view of my life only. It's exciting to know God is always at work. He is in control and trustworthy. Hooray!

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