Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Summer School! Grief Counseling and Tears...

I thought this excerpt about crying was interesting...
"There has been interesting speculation that tears may have potential healing value.  Stress causes chemical imbalances in the body, and some researchers believe that tears remove toxic substances and help reestablish homeostasis.  They hypothesize that the chemical content of tears caused by emotional stress is different from that of tears secreted as a function of eye irritation.  Tests are being done to see what type of catecholamine (mood-altering chemicals produced by the brain) is present in tears of emotion (Frey, 1980).  Tears do relieve emotional stress, but how they do this is still a question.  Further research is needed on the deleterious effects, if any, of suppressed crying."
J. William Worden, Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy, Fourth Edition, page 30.

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