Thursday, January 22, 2009

Extend Deliberate Grace

     Here is a picture of my new sign for my sun visor.  I like the idea of being reminded to give grace to others, after all, who couldn't use some grace?  Sitting in my car is often the time when I get a lot of good thinking done, and one day it occurred to me that giving grace is a doable thing.  When I'm driving I can choose to not react to the driver with road rage, to let the car waiting to merge go ahead of me, to allow the pedestrian trying to cross mosey on in a snail's pace without my irritation rising.  Outside my car I can wait patiently in lines, to smile nicely at the little old ladies and gentlemen I see at Starbucks and Barnes & Noble, to simply be a real person instead of a self absorbed spoiled woman who thinks and cares only for herself.  
     Extend Deliberate Grace.  The word deliberate was also something I included because I need it.  I have a choice.  I can be intentional with my actions and attitudes, and this is an excellent area to be deliberate in.  There are times when I get wrapped up in thinking instead of being in the present.  I have a choice to continue in that manner, or to not.  So my little sign is a reminder to become someone who makes good choices.
    On a side note, in the bottom picture my boys decided to "help" model the new sign!  Bucky (Buckwheat) and Roosevelt looked so handsome in their new Springtime ribbons that I couldn't resist including them.  Roosevelt would like everyone to know that although he REALLY wanted Bucky's blue ribbon, he went ahead and let Bucky have it.  Isn't that sweet?!  Bucky and Roosevelt are bears from Sootheze and are filled with buckwheat seed and lavendar; they can be heated in the microwave or cooled in the freezer to become hot/cold packs.  I've had Bucky for about 9 years, and Roosevelt came along last November.  So if you're in the market...  You won't be disappointed!

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