Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Spirit West Coast 2008

This past weekend I had a wonderful opportunity to be blessed through blessing others.  I volunteered at the Chiropractic and Massage Ministry booth.  Whoohoo!  What a weekend!  I was able to meet new people and be a part of a healing process (well, the paperwork side of things!).  What a neat ministry to be able to serve those who are both on stage and behind the scenes to produce an amazing weekend of praising God with passion.  I was able to listen to several bands-even when I was "on duty" at the booth.  So many talented people that encourage people to grow in their faith and show their love for God.  I so admire these people that can live their passion for God in front of others, to share messages of hope, faith, love...God.
There was the typical light shows, fog machines, choreography, amazing music...everything one would want from a concert.  But what is staying in my mind are some of the messages that were delivered this weekend.  Phil Joel laid a few things out that really challenged me, he cut straight to the point of a few fierce issues.  Why don't I live out my faith wholeheartedly for
 God?  Why do I seem so mediocre?  What is it that holds me back?  Hmmm...  
I bear the name of God, do I live like it?  Jeremiah 15:16 says "When your words cam, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God Almighty."  Is God really my joy and heart's delight?  I want to answer yes, truly I do.  But is He?  What is it that holds me back?  What entices me to live otherwise?  Two more verses that I heard this weekend that gave me much to think about.  Maybe you'll have time to meditate on them as well...
"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."  Jeremiah 33:3
"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness and into His wonderful light."  1 Peter 2:9


S said...

I check your blog everyday :) I have to say, I am have read the Spirit west coast blog three times now...

Unknown said...

Finally got to see your blog! Now I completely understand the "rocker" thing. I must say your blog is pretty cool and fancy looking with that black background. Good job!