Sunday, May 18, 2008

And so what we have learned today...

...God has a lot to say In. His. Book...  Okay, that happens to from Veggie Tales.  For anyone who finds themselves asking "what?" I suggest a trip to their church library to check one out.  Don't be fooled by the fun graphics and kiddie appeal; the Veggies definitely have taught me a few life lessons (complete with aforementioned theme song).  And speaking of life lessons, here's what I picked up today:
Around 8:24 AM this morning I was exiting the freeway to visit my favorite (hands down, no contest, the best ever) Starbucks before church.  Mmmm...  Doesn't a nice grande, non-fat cappuccino with two raw sugars and an add-shot sound delightful right about now?!  Back to the story.
As I was driving down the ramp I could see debris on the road, something rope-like:  the typical trash that one halfway expects to see in 100 degree temperatures.  As I got closer to it I noticed stripes.  And
 then, the moment of recognition:  snake!  That horrifying realization was of course quickly followed by a sickening kawhump kawhump.

Ew.  Gives me chills just thinking about it.  I have visions of my tires spinning that nasty, cold-blooded vermin up into my undercarriage where it ingeniously would wriggle its half-dead and yet highly angry self into my trunk, and from there...  Well, let's just say I should substitute my flip-flops for those hot rubber hip-waders.  I see a phobia developing.
I'm thanking Jesus for the glance back in my rear-view mirror, where I saw the snake curled up in the road, looking hideously snakey.  Thank-You-Jesus because otherwise I'd still be having OCD fits about where that reptile might be lurking next, waiting to get me.  
So when you find yourself running over a snake, remember to check your mirrors for a little reassurance its not going to appear on your passenger seat or wrapped around your gas-foot-ankle in the near future.  Just for your peace of mind, of course...
"Cursed are you above all the livestock and all the wild animals!  You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.  And I will put enmity between you and the woman..."  Genesis 3:14-15


-Tiffany said...

You might want to work on that potentially developed phobia of snakes...I'm happy you are safe and vermin free...

Timmery said...

Tell me about it. Snakes give me the willies and I honestly can't say that I see the need for such critters in our day and age. God gave us minds to create critter traps plus cats and birds of prey to cut down on the rodent population. Or whatever it is that snakes are supposed to be good for.
Phobia should be in check soon! Thanks for the concern... :)

-Tiffany said...

Ya can leave the "Lynn"...I was just askin'?'s your BLOG, do as you please! I'm okay with "almost" whatever you choose ((chuckle chuckle)) SMOOCHES!