Thursday, November 20, 2008


       In our women's small group study we're reading a Beth Moore book entitled "Believing God."  It may sound pretty straight forward, but let me tell you, it packs quite the creative and thought-provoking punches!  And that pretty much has captured me-I'm loving it!  
      Beth has challenged us to 5 key faith statements to claim as our own.  She notes that there is a huge difference between believing in God (fire insurance, acknowledging that there is indeed God, etc, you can fill in the rest!) and believing God.  The 5 part statement of faith goes a little something like this:
1) God is who He says He is
2) God can do what He says He can do
3) I am who God says I am
4) I can do all things through Christ
5) God's Word is alive and active in me
      Two weeks ago, as we started off the study, we were given two challenges.  The first was to think over our sanctification, especially in light of the faith statements above.  We were encouraged to be more aware of our sanctification and were challenged to grow deeper in that process.  As a reminder, we wear blue bracelets, just as the Levites wore blue tassels attached by blue cords as a statement that they were set apart for God.  I have to say its effective.  Every time I look down at my blue ribbon on my wrist I know exactly why I'm wearing it.  That constant reminder is slowly helping my brain remember that I am set apart for God.
     To help us remember who God is, and what that might look like in our lives, we were encouraged to record Godstops.  The "stop" part is "Savoring The Observable Presence."  Don't you love that?!  I do.  So now, armed with a fresh notebook, I have decided to go gung ho into this project too.  I look for those things where I know God is active.  I look for His Presence.  I rejoice that my God is able!  I do a baby victory dance with wiggles and heel clicks as I become aware the truth that He is who He says He is, He can do what He says He can do, I am who He says I am, I can do all things through Christ, and yes, by golly, God's Word is alive and active in me!  Mmmmm...  That's pretty good!
Mull it over.  
Savor it.  
Long little bit of my rambling here, but to cap off my story I just have to record a fun, baby Godstop for everyone.
1) Its a beautiful morning, and that just makes drinking my cappuccino even better.
2) I spent the night in La Mirada so I didn't have to drive today (research day in the library for me...!)
     Ha!  If that's not worth celebrating
 this morning, well...  I don't know.  There's lots to celebrate, but this one makes me giddy this morning!